Best School in PMR 1998

Pengetua Sekolah Datuk Abdul Razak, Seremban, bekas murid-murid PMR
 1998 dan semua warga SDAR yang telah memberikan kerjasama di atas kejayaan SDAR mencapai kejayaan cemerlang (No.1) keputusan PMR 1998 sekolah-sekolah Malaysia.
sumbangan daripada
Persatuan Bekas Pelajar-pelajar SDAR(SDARA) dan

On behalf of the SDARA Egroups Member we congratulated to the SDAR's HM and his nation. Photo taken on the 6th.January 1998 at the HM office.

Bro. Adib.('68) and HM Abdul Rahman an unofficial gift.

Bond('78) and HM (ini kali anak murid present cikgu pulak)

Zax('86) on the left - first time ever enter the HM's office. Never ever enter before. Baik punya kaki ni....

HM and Ruslan (Sle '76). Sle 3, 4 kali masuk bilek HM during his school day...wanted!!.... 

Cikgu Ujang on the left.

Cikgu Abd. Halim on the left the Mathematic teacher.

Flash back Utusan Malaysia 31/12/98. The ex-PMR student 1998...we are the BEST!!!
Kami menumpang bangga dengan kejayaan SDAR walaupun kami telah lama meninggalkannya. Belum ada mana-mana sekolah yang berjaya mengatasi rekod sebelum ini.

NEXT - Some words from our member

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