pertamanya minta
maaf pada sdara Ghazali kerana tak sempat sampai ke SDAR semalam.
As I was waiting for
ur call, ada pulak client datang. Anyway tahniah kepada sdara sdara
yang mewakili kita
semua ni.
Ghazali Mohamed Fadzil (BOND) <> wrote:
Assalamualaikum All!
Ok there are few things that I want to share with you all and of course
at the end of it ideas and suggestions from you.1. As for the visit to SDAR yesterday all our efforts cannot beat what
Hasmadi aka Madud has done. He came all the way from Melaka by BUS. My
hat off to you Madud.
Due to unforeseen circumstances Zax and I were late and the meeting was
already on progress when we arrived. Our apology to Bro Adib, Sle and
Present in the meeting were The Principal - Cik Gu Abd Rahman, Cik Gu
Abd Halim and another Cik Gu probably the SA.
Apart from congratulating everyone at SDAR we mentioned about our plans
for the Career Talk, Book Donation and Excel 2000. The Principal cannot
express his gratitude enough on the offer to help SDAR and SDARians. The
date of the Career Talk will be set by the school as they want to do it
together with their Minggu Motivasi. To those who has volunteer to come
and anybody else willing to contribute please prepare yourself. I will
forward the latest list soon. Book Donation is seriously looked upon-
the school has in fact recently built a section for new collection. To
those that has any book/s to donate please do so. This is on going
activities. We will continuously be collecting books for the school and
as soon as we have a few we will send them to the school. You are
encourage to buy and donate new books as well. AS for the Excel 2000 can
we can somebody to lead this. The school will, most probably, contact me
on this. The activities will be discussed among us, the PTA and the
school maybe.2. Congratulation SDAR : The Total Cost of Gifts
As to ease the management we would like to put the total cost for
everything to RM 100. To be honest, to us, this not about money. It is
about sharing and giving opportunities to everybody to contribute. If
you want to contribute please do so if we received in access we will let
you know and ask your opinion on what to do with them. You can pass your
contribution to me directly, Bro. Adib, Hasmadi in Melaka, or Nadim and
Zax in Kajang. Or if we can come up with something better as will be
mentioned in item 3. Read on.......3. Donation and how to execute payment
We have received a lot of ideas and suggestions for donations and others
which require collection of cash. We need a system, mechanism or a way
to execute this. Any ideas?Thanks you.
Bond '78
Hasmadi bin Abd. Majid <> wrote:
We just came back from Seremban.
My self, Bond, Bro.Adib, Sle(Ruslan) and Zax were there to congrate the HM. The photo will follow up later.
Thanks to Bro.Adib, Bond and Zax in advanced their cash for the present. I think for them in terms of sacrifice their time, idea, commitment, ability, works and family in towards promoting our SDARA especially egroups member is nothing for them including myself. But when comes, I think we should all participate and willing to sacrifice a little for our group and SDAR itself. Am I right? But the question is.. how?
Bond, we trust you and please let us know how to contribute.Furthermore for the advertisement, I willing to donate RM 50.00....but another question.. how to donate and to whom?