2. From Malek Osman:
Just arrived from Seremban. What a close game. It's great to see some
the faces there instead of just names here. Bravo to everybody - pemain,
penyokong, organiser etc. And Bond, thanks for the T-shirt (not free
RM25). I won't be reading/sending e-mail until next Wednesday - cuti
Malek Othman
3. From Nadim:
Bro Adib...letih gila nii...tapi dek kerana semangat sangat kena la
cerita. my experience kat sana tadi memang very meaningful. First of
all sebab
tak pernah kecut perut macam tadi bila SDAR main ragbi..sebab dulu
dlm padang...hari ni jadi supporter aje..habis suara dah ni. Secondly
dapat jumpa ngan geng 'Teh Tarik Cyber' secara live and kita semua
dah kenal lama pulak...it's really fascinating. Berjaya gak kita buat
teh tarik yea!!!
Anyway it was a very memorable day today as we won the tournament..dan
oldboys macam budak sekolah balik berlari..menjerit...hilang tensionpat
kerja selama ni...habis keluarkan kat padang tadi..
Makanya saya cadangkan kita tubuhkan pasukan cheer pulak sebagai satu
sukan utk orang-orang yang dah bekerja..it's a good activity to release
tension & very cost effective.
Okeyla dulu...bagi orang lain pulak ulas..nanti tambah tambah la..
Three Cheers for SDAR..HIP..HIP..HUUH..HIp..HIP..HUUH....
Nadim Shah
4. From Nandang Tutiman:
Assalamualaikum wrt ....
As I'm typing out this email, 3 hours has passed since I came back
from the
EVENT organized by this mailing group. I just wanted to put in my 2
cents worth
recapping the days events for those who had to miss out for one reason
or another while the news is still hot!
What can I say ... the event was a success to put
it mildly. It has been
close to 8 years since I last left Sdar. I couldn't ask for anything
better to make my return to
Sdar more significant. Hats off to the organizer Bro. Bond and Bro.
Adib ... you to made
good on your promise to make the gathering a reality ... the bright
yellow T-shirts are an
especially nice surprise as they were just ideas a few days back ...
I will treasure them as I
treasure memories in Sdar.
To be truthful, I only manage to catch the second
half of the game. Biasalah
... kalau jalan kat KL ni tak jam memang tak sah! Namun bagaimana jam
pun, pasal semangat dah meluap-luap nak sampai jugak kat bumi Sikamat penuh
keramat .... jalan kaki pun
sanggup! By the time sampai ke Sdar, I think the score was tied at
the half. This was a
do or die second half and we were expecting a good show by the players.
Being there on the field after so long brought back
memories. I was never a
sportman much less a rugby player when I was in school. Tapi saya perlu
tabik kepada
pelajar-pelajar yang berkorban masa, tenaga dan badan memperjuangkan
nama Sdar di medan sukan. They may be seen as holligans/deliquents by some
in school but they gave more to Sdar than most students. When they also
excel in studies then they become great assets to
Anyway ... back to the game. I don't really know
most of the players but
from the look of their faces I know that they gave their all for the
game. The determination to
win was etched clearly in each face that one can clearly see it even
from a far. The game had
its moments ...once budak kolej was almost knocking at Sdar's goal
but our players dig in into their fighting siprit reserves to repell these
unwanted visitors. I'm not very good a calling
out the play by play action (still trying to figure out how the game
is played!) so I let the
more experience among us to relate it to the others in the list.
So where are the egroups members while all this
was going on? We won't
really be Sdarians if we were not watching this from the front rows.
Some of us even took
to the sidelines to cheer on our players. Disregarding personal injuries
(believe me
one of us got knocked down by a kolej player!), the sidelines were
the best "seats" in the
house. Being in the thick of things brought back many fond memories
of shouting yourself hoarse cheering, the disappointments when we lost
a match and the joy of victory. Personally I was reliving the short
two years I was in Sdar while watching the game. Call me nostalgic but
to be finally in Sdar after 8 years was a bit for me to get in.
The game ended with a victory for Sdar against MCKK
14-12. It was a narrow
margin and it made the game even more exciting with moments of drama
and pathos. When
the final whistle blew, Sdarians old and new rushed onto the field
to celebrate the
success. Faces of relief were abound as we finally put the game down
with a victory on our side. I couldn't help but to step back and watch
this celebration of sucess from the sidelines to
get the bigger picture of what it meant to be a Sdarian on this special
day. There were no
boundaries, no differences. Sdarians old and new celebrated a like
... we were brothers no
matter when or where we joined the Sdar community. We were all students
again ... savoring the fleeting moment of fond memories.
I'm on a roll now ... I hope you all don't mind
the long email. I guess that
its the adrenaline still pumping from the game. But the days event
"report" won't be complete if I don't mention anything about what happened
after the game.
As promised, we all adjourned to the back of the
canteen for our "teh tarik"
session. I saw close to 50 (maybe?) of us who came for the game. Those
who wore the yellow sdara egroup t-shirts were easily recongnized from
the crowd early on but the rest
were no different from the visitors. Only when we came together for
tea, bihun goreng
and fruits that we finally got the chance to see each other face to
face. Kalau budak Sdar dah
jumpa sama budak Sdar .. kecoh jangan ceritalah. Tua muda semua sama
aje ... we were
catching up on new news and reliving old news. I only wished that we
had some form of name tags or something to id us as most were just names
on an email address for me but other
than that I could'nt ask for a better chance to get to know other Sdarians.
Most of the faces were new to me but those that
I did know were those who
had a great impact in my life. I guess that this was because this is
my first (of many more
I hope) old boys gathering that I have ever been to. There were teachers
that I remember
fondly who I finally get the chance to see after all the years. There
were my seniors there
who at one time or another had left a mark on how my life turned out.
There were friends who I thought that I would never see again as we moved
on our separate ways and separate lives.
There were my juniors who were willing to forget old grudges and make
new beginings. For a
moment we were together again ... our current troubles and daily grouses
left outside
the gate ... we all turn back the clock for a short while.
Looking at the current generation of Sdarian earlier
in the afternoon,
cheering their team on the field, I couldn't help thinking that once
we were all like that. One can take opportunities like this to reflect
back on how much has change since those
times. To know the past is to forge a better future ... it may be cliche
but I been holding on
to that belief since I can't remember when. Its true what they say,
you can take the boy from Sdar but you can't take Sdar from the boy.
Thank you again to the organizers who made the gathering
a success. Having
the good fortune that our team won the game made the gathering even
more memorable. I do
hope that we would be able to get together more often.
I hope that I haven't bored everybody to tears by
now. Dulu berangan nak
jadi Sasterawan Negara ... tapi tah macam mana boleh terpelecuk ke
IT field. Not that
my BM was that good anyway ... Thanks for listening to my piece of
Once A Sdarian .....
Nan Abdul Rahman
Fiver 90
5. From Bond:
This is Bond login from Seremban. Yes, Seremban - terlampau sayang
tidur sini. Besok baru balik.
I must confess that I knew deep down that SDAR going to win the Final
and I wanted SDAR to win the game because 17th Oct is my birthday.
Thanks to everybody I have received the best present so far. Not only
because of the game tapi pasal dapat jumpa budak SDAR dekat SDAR. Allah
yang maha berkuasa semunya berjalan lancar dengan jayanya. Macam Bro
Adib and Nadim last 10 minutes of the game kecut perut habis. Terlintas
dalam fikiran masa tu, 'Why am I doing this, I am to old for this'.
when the ref blew the final whistle I knew why.
Thank you everybody for making this possible. We will definitely do
again soon. SDARA Bahagian Kajang Teh Tarik sebulan sekali depan Court
To Saidon, Topper and the rest yang dekat overseas Madud (Hasmadi)
and I
will get a site up with all the beautiful pictures in it. Probably
Madud's will go live on Monday, sebab dia pakai Digital Camera. Mine
will be a bit late sebab nak scan cantik-cantik dulu. But I will
guarantee it will worth the wait.
Oh Yes, one more thing before I shut up. One of our Bro., Dr
Ali misplaced his T-Shirt (SUKOM). Sapa yang ada jumpa please email
me so that I could arrange it to be collected. Nadim please check dengan
We are the Champion, We are the Championnnnnnnnnn of the World.........
6. From me(the Webmaster):
Hi geng, this is the site you are waiting for. Yesterday I reached
home at 9.30p.m. After ishak and dinner I started to create this site from
10.00p.m. until 3.00 a.m.(18/10/98). Ingat boleh siap tapi tak tahan..
masuk tidur. The next day I continue from 10.00a.m.(18/10/98) until 4.00p.m....siap
dah, tapi belum upload lagi. Malam sambung lagi from 8.00p.m. until 10.00p.m.
for only left this page. Nothing much I wanted to say here but only this
"No matter how sophisticated and advanced the world of Internet, it's
means nothing, if we won't use it"