The Teh Tarik in Shah Alam was successful.
1. Abd Rani Ismail
2. Hussein Said
3. Aznijar Ahmad Yazid
4. Ren Zafalitash Razali
5. Syamsul Badrin
6. Dr Zaiki Awang
7. Razi Ibrahim
8. Nawi Nor
9. Azahari Othman
10. Nandang Tutiman (The First to Arrive - 3.45 pm)
11. Mohd Adib Noh
12. Hasmadi Abd Majid
13. Amiruddin Azahar
14. Fuad Ujang
15. Aziz Mustapa
16. Kahlid Hamzah
17. Mohammad Zaki Jalaludin
18. Darussalam Baharom (Arrived at 7.20 pm)
19. Ghazali Mohamed Fadzil
20. One Sdara yang baru graduate (Batch 93)
21. Dr Abdul Rashid Ab. Malik (The owner of Belanga Restaurant)
As I said the first to arrive was Nandang followed by Bond and Syamsul
Badrin. Soon after the group got bigger. The agenda varied from Jejak
Kasih to the continuation of the Sdar's Tg. Malim Jamban story. In
it was fruitful, enjoyable, fun and we should do more like this. The
biggest resolution of the The Tarik was to invite a lot more SDARAs
join the List. Dr Rashid the owner of Belanga came in at around 8.00
and apologized for being late as he was informed that the Teh Tarik
supposed to be at ( pm and infact he had to entertain a guest from
Japan. I left the session at approx. 8.10pm and there was an indication
that session would not end. Lead by Fuad and Darussalam they
until......... I guess Darussalam can chip in on this.
The total cost of the Teh Tarik was RM 42.30 and there is a balance
RM 30.20 on the collection. This collection, if you all may, will be
used in the next Melawati's Teh Tarik.
Further report: If there is anything else that I have missed please add.
Myself, Darulsalam('77), Fuat Ujang('77) and Dr.Abdul Rahid(tauke
restoren) were there untill 10.30p.m. Dr.Rashid still can remember
good old SDAR and his colleague. Ada satu hal dia
mention 1 projek di KL semuanya di anggotai oleh X-Sdarian(Architect,
Engineer, QS dll)
Bro.Nawi boleh contact dia Tel: 03-6342633/6302248 Email:
There's a great advantage I had during this Teh Tarik. For example I
knew who is (my senior) Dr.Zaiki, Darulsalam Bro.Nawi and (my junior)
Ren Zafalitash, Razi Ibrahim, Nandang and many more yang selalu kirim
e-mail ni pada sdara@egroups where as I don't know how they look alike
before. Macam bro. Adib and Bond tu siapa tak kenal...taiko
sdara@egroups kan? If you don't know who is the sender(even you know
is an x-sdarian) you will be blank or hanging.
Saya baru balik dari KL (30/11/98) dan gambar-gambar nanti saya akan
masukkan dalam
WebSite SDARian Class of '80. (Latest activities by SDARA) I'll let
know later.