SDAR Fiver '80 Gathering
15th. November 1998
Venue: Subang Ville Apartment

The next day 15th.November 1998

From left: Shaharudin Ishak(Bote), Hasmadi(all the way from Melaka), Halim Manaf(from JB), Nazarry Rosli and Suffian Yahya.

From left: Amran Yusof(Albert), Fauzi and Hasmadi.

Lunch time - thanks to Zaihan cause dia belanja Nasi Briani.

 At the back Suffian Yahya and Shamsul Bahrin(Lawport).

That night Hasmadi, Nazarry and his kids tidur kat apartment. Shaharudin Abd.Rahman was with us until 10.30p.m. Hasmadi check out at 5.00a.m. the next day 16th.November 1988 and Nazarry check out at 7.00a.m.

We hope this is not the last gathering. In fact this is the beginning and will be at least once in two years time. See you in other time.
The latest information of directory(e-mail, telephone no. and addresses) those who join this gathering can be found here.

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