Some Words From Our Member
Fiver 80 Gathering

Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:31:24 +0200
From: "Othman, Mustafa Kamal" <mustafakamal.othman@JT-Int.Com>
To: "''" <>

Hei gang!
What's about May Thursday 18th (Wesak Day)?
I think most of us dedicate weekend for family. That's why I suggest this date. I will take lead role to make this happen.
We might spend half a day, say from 2 pm to 7 pm. Kalau reponse baik, we might arrange some games - rugger might be too tough and stamina pun dah tak dak..carrom a little bit I suggest volleyball aje la...
So, lepas nie, jogging la sikit to build stamina...

Madud, Kalau kena inform Pengetua ke or ada procedure lain, you take carela...
Ms Esther, You are compulsary to join. No excuses accepted. Expense tanggung sendirila...
My HP number: 012-3667478


From: "Hazmady A.M." <>

Sounds good. How about others?
Kalau ada lebih 10 orang aku akan tulis surat pada HM. Please respond........urgent.

-hasmadi 80

From: "Mohd Shah bt Awaluddin" <>

I am in Seremban, and that date is suitable insyaallah.

From: "Amir Azahar" <>

Sorry! I'll be travelling that week and the week after.


From: "zeebee" <>

Nor can do. Aku punya 'bini baru' nak dapat 1st fact expected on 18 May. Aku suggest kau plan a date coinciding at least with long school holiday and a convenient location for with 'family' sort of theme for gathering (kalau boleh out of KL). Kalau nak jumpa style bujang pun boleh, tapi sure ramai yang ada family commitments. For the time being, you guys can go ahead for the 18th May date.



Sorry tak jadi. Aku tengah sibuk cari fund for my son's operation. For
those yg attend, have fun not gun.

From: "kamalon" <>

mus gathering sounds good, madud keep us update. as of now I'm off on the 18/5.
let's get together.

From: <>



From: "kamalon" <>

you can piak on my flight deck anytime.that goes for the rest of you yang nak piak.pls on my flight only.

From: "Hazmady A.M." <>

Our program start at 2.00p.m. sampai 5.00/6.00 p.m.
Venue:  Bilek Rehat, SDAR, Seremban.
Agenda: i. Chit Chat Nostalgia
             ii. Visit hostel
            iii. Teh Tarik Canteen SDAR
            iv. Photo (still image & Internet ViewCam)

Yang dah confirm this coming 18.5.2000 (Thursday)
1.Mus Pek.
3.Mohd. Shah.
4.Nor Kamal
5.Abd.Malek Othman
6.Lee Soon Chong
7. Abdul Rahman Ibrahim (kucing)
8. Abdul Rahman Hussain.
9. Shamsul Bahrin (LAWPORT)
10. Mohamed Shukor bin A. Rahman
11. Nor Hisham Ahmad
12. Khalil Aziz
13. Zainal Bakar 50-50 will contact again
14. Zahari Jantan 50-50     "
15. Musa Ahmad 50-50     "
16. Ahmad Latipi 50-50     "
17. Roslee Kahar 50-50     "

Our KL member please do a favour for us, call at least 3 people each from everyone of us.
I'll send fax to SDAR after this email to inform HM.


From: Roy <>

Thousand apologies. Terpaksa cancel rancangan sebab father-in-law kena operation.
Hope to make up on some other occassions. Madud good work.

From: "Aznan Ali" <>

Assalamualaikum Hasmadi and kawan-kawan, Maaf kerana tidak dapat menghadirkan diri pada hari tersebut kerana telah membuat program lain terlebih dahulu. Kepada yang akan hadir, happy
gathering. Insyaallah I will make it for another gathering.

Aznan Ali

From: Rahman Bin Idris <>

Assalamu'alaikum wkh.
Sorry, I tak dapat join kali ni. Sekadar mengucapkan semuga segala baik.
Ada satu cadangan.... Apa kata kat sana nanti tubuhkan ad-hoc committee untuk 'Grand re-union'.
Grand re-union ni boleh mula tghhari > bermalam > esok tghhari. Untuk lebih nostalgik, buat kat sdar. Tapi untuk bermalam --> pergi hostel atau hotel etc.(bebas).
Sampaikan salam kat semua. Malam tadi Khalil call ajak pegi.  Sorry tak dapat. Ok.

From: Abd Malek Othman - ELITE <>

car pool, anybody? especially those from shah alam and subang jaya ...

From: "Hasmadi bin Abd. Majid" <>

A'kum & greeting to all,
yesterday we had a wonderful gathering. Even my watch shows 7.00 p.m. there are still some of us tak mahu balik lagi.
The attendance as below:
1. Mustafa Kamal Othman (MusPek)
2. Mohd Yusof Omar
3. M. Shukor bin A.Rahman
4. Kamarul Azlan (Arab)
5. Ahmad Fauzi Kamarudin
6. Mohd. Shuib Md. Jadi
7. Lui Ming Choon
8. Khalil Aziz Aziz
9. Musa Othman
10. Abd. Raof Abdullah
11. Shaharuddin A. Rahman
12. Norhisham Ahmad
13. Suhaimi Mohd. Kassim (Kunyit)
14. Abd. Rahman Brahim (Kucing)
15. Suffian Hj.Yahaya
16. Nor Hashim Ibrahim
17. Azaldin Mohd. Zin
18. Malek Othman
19. Hasmadi Majid

I've also added our new member into our mailing list. Welcome on board, Arab, Shaharudin Ishak (Bote), Yusof Omar and Khairudin Zainudin (Krut)
Photos of our gathering will soon be publish. Always watch out your inbox.


From: "Tuan Hj. Abd. Rashid Bin Zainuddin @PWPAHANG" <>

Hasmadi and others,
Good to hear that all of you have a good time together. Rasa terkilan juga that I could not make it this time around. Maybe one of us can start to arrange a (bigger) gathering sempena ulangtahun ke 20 kita meninggalkan SDAR. Mungkin boleh throw in cadangan possible dates (maybe after the next few months) so that we can allocate it in our schedule so that as many of us + our former teachers can attend.
I would also like to suggest if the addresses and phone nos. in our homepage could be updated  too. It will help us in communicating with each other and easy reference.

Abdul Rashid Zainuddin
Kuantan, Pahang.

From: "zeebee" <>

Madud & Class of 80'
Wish I could be there, tapi tak pa, lain kali lah. I had a duty of a different sort pulak .. A 3.17kg baby girl.. perhaps to commemorate our pre gathering. Hope to join you guys next time..


From: "Mohd Shah bt Awaluddin" <>

Assalamualaikum & Selamat Sejahtera brothers, terlebih dahulu I kena minta maaf kepada semua & terutamanya Hasmadi kerana gagal menghadirkan diri semalam. Last minute pagi tu kena pergi ke KL pulak (family matters). Punyalah frust. Anyway tahniah kepada yang hadir semoga Allah memberkati pertemuan tersebut.

From: "Hazmady A.M." <>

Mohd Shah & Others yang tak dapat hadir,
apa nak buat.... walaubagaimana pun saya tak kecewa sangat kerana dalam mengurus sesuatu hal saya sentiasa mengambil kira sesuatu yang akan berlaku diluar problem.


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