Mesyuarat Agong SDARA(AGM)
Tarikh: 7hb. Februari 1999
Some words from our member

Fauzi Shaffie wrote:

Yesterday's SDARA AGM was a special occasion.
 I met many whom I haven't met for years, some >20yrs; and I knew whom I
 have never know before.

 It's not the memories that really brought me there.  For memories can't
 shape our future.  It can't offer much help.

 It's the potential of SDARA that brought me there.  Together we can shape
 the future of our people.  History may have brought us together, but it's
 vision that really matters.

 I truely believe this.  I cancelled my weekly homebound trip to be there.
 It was a worthy decision.

 Fauzi Shaffie

Adib wrote:

.........All of us are very "busy".Just look at yesterday SDARA AGM.From my
 observation,it was less than 100 attendancees as compared to our
 membership around 1500.Now ,I rest my case..........

During the AGM,it was reported that our former school at Tg Malim will
 be demolished to make way for UPSI(MPSI) new development.SDARA is going
 to arrange a visit soon.I hope to be there before my fond memories SDAR
 Tg. Malim being turned into concrete rubbles....


"Hj.Abdul Rahman Hj.Meran" wrote:

Place: Atas tebing Bernam River atau Kedai Razak.

 Tg.Malim is definitely a Nostalgia to most of us. Why not we arrange
 a trip to Tg.Malim? Perhaps we should have a Tea Tarik session on the
 banks of Sg.Bernam. Makan mee goreng (masa tu 30 sen sepinggan) di Kedai
 Razak. Kemudian kita ramai2 hisap rokok dalam tandas, kalau suka, kita
 panjat naik ke atas siling rumah Bendahara atau Rumah Laksamana. Boleh
 juga kita cuba2 tarik Flush tandas Rumah Bendahara. Remember? the
 cistern is made of cast iron. Biasanya kita kena tarik beberapa kali
 Kalau tak bunyi Shooor...ada orang menjerit JIRUS.....

 Semasa sessi teh tarik tu siapa yang brhajat bolehlah bermandi manda di
 Sungai Bernam.

 Kalau depa jadi nak robohkan bangunan2 tu, we all should salvage the
 cast iron toilet cisterns tadi. You cannot get it anywhere else in this
 world. I think, even the manufacturer, "SHANKS of England" do not keep
 this particular model any more. It is really a classic.

 The Water tank di Ruamah Bendahara tu, as far as I can remember(Masa
 panjat siling dulu) is made of Brass or Copper..imagine how much it
 would cost now?

 Kalau rajin dan ada masa, kita bolehlah pergi ke Spg.Empat.


 Over to you...

- hj.rahman hj.meran

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