Hello to all budak Sdar.This is a very good news. This is a proposal for Tanjong Malim
Re-Union gathering.
The date is now fixed on : 17 and 18 April 99 ( sempena awal Muharam )
. 54 days from today.
The agenda is given below and they are open for discussion / proposal.1. 10:00am -> Treasure hunt from Shah Alam to T. Malim ( Dato'
Salamon will officiate and start the hunt to T.Malim )
Responsible : Need a volunteer to head this event.2. 8:00 am -> Golf Game at Bukit Beruntung
Responsible: Malik Idrus & Kol. Razak3. 1:30 - 2:30pm -> Solat zohor and Lunch at T. Malim.
Responsible: Everybody.4. 2:30-4:30pm ->Chess game against Rahman Halim's Son.
Responsible: Need help from Dr Rusli Ismail to talk
to Sdara Rahman Halim on this proposal5. 4:30pm - 5:00pm-> Sembahyang Asar .
6. 5:00 - 6:30pm-> Visit kedai Pau at Tanjung Malim
and kedai2 yg lain.7. 7:30pm-> Dinner and Solat maghrib.
8. 8:30-11:00pm -> Solat Isya dan Ceramah "Pengahayatan
Ekonomi Islam "
Responsible: Zainudin Mohd will arrange the guest speaker.9. 11:00 pm -> Borak-borak kisah lampau/ambik gambar depan dewan/ DLL
10. "Sleep or not to sleep" in Tanjong Malim.
Please throw all your proposals and recomendations for further
discussion. I'll fix the date and place for the first meeting.Zainudin a.k.a Kangkong
Rakan-Rakan SDARA yang di kasihi,Bersama-sama dengan e- mail ini terdapat dua lampiran : Surat jemputan ke TM dan juga Borang Jawapan ( lampiran 2 ). Diminta kepada semua kenalan SDARA , samada berminat untuk ke TM atau pun tidak, supaya mengisi butir - butir peribadi di dalam borang jawapan dan email kembali kepada saya (Razi ibrahim ) r14116@email.sps.mot.com sebelum 7 April 1999.
Hantarkan cek ataupun kiriman wang kepada alamat yang terdapat di dalam borang jawapan (lampiran 2 ). Bayar kepada : SDARA
Sesiapa yang berminat untuk memperaga kan apa - apa bussiness ( Shirts, Computer, kasut, Buku dan lain - lain ) di TM pada 17 - 18 April 99, anda adalah di alu - alukan untuk berbuat demikian. Untuk mendapat keterangan lanjut sila hubungi saudara Zainuddin ( 012 379 6155 )
85 Alrazi
Assalamualikum wrt ...OK ... kelas tiga it is. BTW, anyone know how long is the trip by train to
TM? And also just to confirm ... pukul berapa agenda start on that Saturday?
Bro Sli will be meeting us in KTM KL right?I was thinking of having breakfast kat Railway station (masih teringat nasi
lemak kat sana ... entah ada lagi ke tak) around 8:30am and then we can board
the train. But I have to confirm the time since I don't really know the train
schedule. I guess that I need to go to KTM tomorrow to check out the schedules.I will email the time when I get it.
Nan Abdul Rahman
Fiver 90
Nan,There is only one train that is going up north on Saturday morning and
it will depart KL at 7.30 am. We have to be there, for breakfast, at
6.30 am. My wife suggested to me to just take my things and sleep over
on the bangku in the railways like old days. Which I can do it with no
problem. What we have to check is the train coming back from Tg Malim.
We may not have one and we may have to resorts to bus to come back or
stay another day. Yes, KTMB has a website. Remember my experience
dealing with them? ThanksBond '78
>Aznijar wrote;
> Alhamdullilah. Segala yang berlaku adalah dengan kehendak Allah swt. Bersyukurlah dengan pemberian dari Allah swt., yang baik atau buruk.
> Kes Anwar adalah satu peristiwa yang saya boley ibaratkan sebagai seekor kutu hitam, diantara bulu-bulu kambing hitam, yang disimpan didalam kandang yang hitam legam yang akhirnya dapat dijumpai pada malam yang gelap gelita tanpa sebarang sinaran cahaya matahari, by way of bulan.
> Hanya jauhari yang mengenal manikam. Wise up everyone.
> Yang terlibat dalam politik kerana wajib hukumnya. Islam is a way of life, not only a piece of faith--aznijar,
> spm 1984.
apa lu certa;
india laki bini gelap pun main dalam gelap,
cari lubang gelap pun keluar anak gelap.EGROUP KENA HIJAK, BOSS SEMUA TAK DAK.
nawi '73
Assalamualaikum wrt ....As promised ... my POV. Enjoy ...
First of all ... sorry kalau ada orang yang tak dapat baca email ni sebab I hantar in HTML format. I need to do this so that I can get the formatting right. I have a copy of this email in MS Word format to those who can receive HTML mail so please email me off-line if you need it. Sorry also to the readers that I write it in the English language. I can express myself better in English than in Malay. There are too many subtle undertones that I have to take into consideration if I were to write the story in Malay which I have neither the skill or the experience to attempt.
The following story will be a bit long, please bear with me, and is dedicated to all ex-Sdar boys who attended the TM Gathering. Feedback is appreciated and welcomed. Flames are generally ignored. So sit back and I hope you will enjoy the story.Best Regards,
Nan Abdul Rahman (NAES)
Fiver 90
Bandar Sunway, 18/04/99 - 4:43pmBelonging - Tanjung Malim : Where Time
Stood Still
A Special Edition
(Thanks to Prof. Sli for the title ... it made sense to use it after all)I see time as the elusive glue that holds the universe together. If we did not have the concept of time, life will be in chaos and unorganized. Sequence of events will be a contradiction in terms as there is no such sequence. Time flows uninterrupted from the point of then to now to next ever since the start of the universe until the very last spark of life flames out on the day that everything is reclaimed by the Almighty Creator. No know force in the world can stop the flow of time. "Enjoy the moment" is simply to remind us the nature of time and that it will never return once it has pass us by. That is why we should never take time for granted lest it runs away and leaves us behind.
Having said (written?) all that, I have to contradict myself and state that I found away to capture time, enslave it to our beck and call, force it to do our bidding and bind it to us forever. I speak of remembering and sharing stories among friends. I speak of coming together as a family and exchanging experiences. I speak of being together. Memories are the only place I know of that time stands still. Although time itself is memory's greatest enemy, time being the force that dulls memory, the act of retelling another of the memory rejuvenates it for another day waiting to be told again. These are the stuff legends are made of. These are the seeds of history.
When I heard about the news that the old SDAR campus in Tanjung Malim was about to be torn down to make way for UPSI development, I didn't really feel much of anything. I didn't feel any connection to the town apart of it being the birthplace of my beloved school. But I could see the immediate reaction from the boys of the Tanjung Malim campus and realize that the news really hit them hard. Immediately someone came out to suggest that we would set a date to gather in Tanjung Malim for what maybe the last time to see the site before they demolish all the buildings there. Plans were quickly discussed and acted upon by the SDARA committee to make that
suggestion a reality. The egroups mailing list was a flurry of emails detailing plans of the trip and things they would like to do when they go there. While all this was going on, I watched with interest at the fevor of their (the senior boys) efforts of making the plans a reality.As the agreed date came closer, plans started to gelled together and tasks were assigned to the respective persons. At this point, I saw the gathering only as an excuse for a weekend outing out of KL that I've been waiting for. I actually had to excused myself from a departmental team-building outing in Pulau Redang organized by my department manager to go Tanjung Malim. That and getting 2 extra days of leave was not really easy to do but for the sake of being in the company of people that I've interacted with so often in the mailing list I did it anyway. At the time I thought that if I didn't get anything else out of the trip, I would be able to see the "kutu buku" group
to get new reading material for next month that would at least save me some cash for next month. The minute I arrive in Tanjung Malim, I saw that I was wrong.I had my reservations about going to Tanjung Malim. I didn't really feel any connection to the place. I didn't really know how to fit in with people who are older that myself (always had this problem. Most of the time I would just keep silent and listen to what they say). I was afraid that I would be bored since there wasn't any of my batch peers who had confirmed their attendance. But the prospect of seeing for myself the place that the others have been talking about all this time intrigued me. I wondered if they would be willing to share more of their stories on the time that there were there to a complete stranger. A stranger was what I thought myself to be since I enrolled in SDAR long after they lived together under the same roof in Tanjung Malim. There was
nothing I hated more in life than being a fifth wheel. Rejection .. I could handle (as some people in the list would know from our conversations) but being ignored was where I drew the line.With that in view, I volunteered to be part of the of the gathering planing machinery. I was not going to Tanjung Malim just as a spectator. I wanted to be a participant ... a doer. That was why I choose to help out with the train tickets for the trip up north. Partly it was because I really wanted to experience a train ride again after so many years, so in a way the reasons to volunteer for the job was a selfish one (Writers note : You would soon be able to read my thoughts on the train trip in another installment of Belonging - Special Edition series coming soon). It was when we disembarked at the Tanjung Malim railway station when I really saw the excitement in the eyes of the seniors who was part of the train trip with me. This was their homecoming and I was given the opportunity to share in their joy. Their eagerness to relive their formative years was so contagious that I could not help but be swept away by the air heavy with anticipation.
The first order of business was a tour of the Tanjung Malim town to see how much of it has changed since we had almost 2 hours to kill before the registration. Immediately I hear shouts of excitements when familiar buildings that had so many memories for them come into view. Each landmark had its own history that was related to me as one of the younger members of the group. What I saw as an old run down building, they saw in their minds eye as the place when they spent their youth. By the act of sharing their memories of the place, I had a picture of how it might look
and what it meant to them. I was privileged to the a glimpse into the past that they held so dearly in their hearts and mind. I came to see the things that they saw. I came to understand the the truths that they understood. I was in the act of becoming.I often would just stay silent and looked at the facial expression of the other people in the group as we continued to walk from the Tanjung Malim train station to the old gates of their (and now becoming more to me mine) alma mater. Truthfully speaking, I some times feel like a voyeur who invades into the private thoughts of a person when I study their expressions. This is because unconsciously facial expression and body language tells more of what is going on inside than any words can expressed. Words are often guarded but actions are more spontaneous and they tell more. A sudden drop in voice tone when describing something, a lingering glance at an object or place and a caress that stays a little longer speaks volumes more than what words could explain.
These are the things that I look for when I listen to others speaking since to me it adds another layer of meaning to what was being communicated. Looking out for these visual cues has been a habit of mine ever since I learned to realize that people don't always say what they say. The trip around Tanjung Malim town was a treasure trove of such visual cues for me to say the least. I learned more from watching the others as they walked down memory lane than I would have if I was just listening to what they said.As we walked the hallowed halls of the old buildings, more stories were related to me from those who actually spent time here. They showed me the classes that they sat in and learned the mysteries of the universe. They showed me the dining hall where they shared the meals together as an extended family. They showed the the hostel buildings where the learned to live together as a community. They also showed me their special places. Places that had memories, both good and bad, that had impact in their life. In the act of sharing their stories with me, the landmarks came to have more meaning. Images started to form in my minds eye of how it might have looked like from
their description. It was as if I had traveled through time as we walked all over the school grounds. Time seemed to acknowledged our presence and slowly rolled back to reveal its secrets to us who were listening to all the stories.One thing that really hit me when I went through the buildings in the SDAR Tanjung Malim campus was the air of historical significance that seems to permeate each nook and cranny. At first sight, the Seremban campus looked like other normal daily schools of its day but in Tanjung Malim one could feel the ghosts from the past enveloping you the minutes you walked through the halls. The rooms had the scent of old paneling that never failed to bring on a wave of nostalgic remembrance for me. If I really listen closely, I could almost hear the sound of students walking around the the grounds. I could almost imagine the seniors boys whom I came with changing into
their childhood self and went about in their own business. I could almost feel that I've stepped in a time machine and see the site through their eyes as it was in their memories. Time as we knew it doesn't really work the same when on is in the "remembrance zone". Time stands still here.After "checking in" into our dorms, I felt that I had to do something instead of just resting in the room while the staff there prepared our lunch. I was also on the prowl of other stories that I could add to my existing collection of stories that I already heard. What better place than the registration desk when the other old boys start coming in. I was not disappointed. Old friends that have never seen each other since they last studied together in Tanjung Malim finally get a chance to see each other at the registration desk. Old stories and new ones were exchanged in the flurry of
conversation that ensued. As an outsider, I had the opportunity to step back and observe all this without really being noticed. As more and more people came for the registration, it was really apparent to me that I made the right decision to come to the gathering. I don't think that I would get any better chance to understand what SDAR meant to the students who studied there than the few hours that I was at the registration desk. I was now really looking forward for the rest of the weekend.Immediately in the first group activity that we shared, true to Malaysian culture it was the sharing of a meal, I was bombarded by stories all around me. I listen quietly as snippets of over-heard conversations start to fit in together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. One by one, more was revealed in the conversation filling the canvass of memory with more and more vibrant colors. As they warmed up to my presence, I had the chance to ask more questions to get a clearer picture of how it was back then without feeling out of place. By the end of the meal, I really had the feeling of being a part of a greater whole. No doubt that I didn't share their experiences in Tanjung Malim but I share their excitement of being together again. In front of my eyes, I saw how as the day progressed more and more people began to relive their memories. More and more people start to bind together the threads to time to this here and now so that time was theirs to command. Time was bound by the will of memories here.
A little side note here. I knew that there was a soccer game that was suppose to go on that afternoon. Never being a sports enthusiast myself (refer to a previous story in my Belonging series for the reasons why), I was trying to worm my way out of the situation. I should have know better, knowing my luck. I was "asked" to participate in the game with the other Seremban boys who came. It was at the game that I really felt that I belong here among all the other seniors. It was here that those who were in their late 40's and early 50's suddenly became their childhood selves again. Somehow the gap of time that usually separated us had suddenly gave way and we were all like students again. We ran on the wings of memories and imagined that we were all a lot younger and fitter than we were now. Later after the game, I overheard that somebody commented that they were concerned that the older ones among us would collapse during the game of a heart attack seeing that that didn't played like their age. For a time, that didn't matter. What mattered was that we were having fun doing it. We were together again. There was no ex-Tanjung Malim boys or ex-Seremban boys here. We were all SDAR boys. Now and forever as one family.
Night time gave renewed opportunity to share more stories. Like our forefathers who would gather around the camp fire to share comfort and protection, we gather around to share our stories and experiences. We were like hunter warriors who stood vigil against the forces that conspire to divide us. As more stories were shared, the more we felt the gap that stood between us gradually melted away. One will realize, in such session, that in the core we are all the same. Titles, power and money didn't make any difference here. We were all "budak SDAR" no matter how long we had left the school. I always cherished these night-time sessions since it was the best time to see
people letting their guard down and let what was inside shine through. It reminded me of those long late night talks that I would have with my friends and brothers when I was in SDAR. We would go on and on talking about nothing and everything at once. The further into the night, the more truths would be uncovered and the more you would understand what motivates the other person. The further into the night, the more you understood the person. The further into the night, the more you feel closer together as a group. Time stands still again.Time continued to stand still for us into the morning of the next day. But as the day progressed, the feeling of impending departure crept into each and everyone of us. People start to linger around longer in groups. They start to dig up more stories to fill up what little time they had left together. There wasn't a sense of urgency to to be anywhere else but here in Tanjung Malim. But this was a war that will power alone was not able to win. Time restarted itself and we were faced with the thoughts of what we had to do tomorrow. The present day reality reasserts itself as the ghost of the past, now rejuvenated by the act of sharing, grudgingly returned into the recesses of memories to wait for another day to be released. It was now the time of parting. For some not even knowing if they will have the chance see each other in similar situations again. But in life all things must come to an end.
I was one of the last ones to leave Tanjung Malim that day. I wanted to see it all again on my own to see how much being together with the others have changed my perception of the Tanjung Malim campus. As I walked alone along the corridors for what might be the last time, a tinge of sadness filled my heart. When I came here, it was just another set of buildings to me. But it had a very different meaning to me now as I prepared to leave these buildings. I am not a product of SDAR Tanjung Malim but I could not help but feel the connection that those who grew up to become men here had with this historical site. They had allowed me to glimpse into their past and I have made it as a part of myself. They have given me renewed hope of what I may achieve through the sharing of their experience. They gave me a sense of belonging that I've dedicated
myself to find in my quest to define who I am. No words of thanks could let me even adequately express my appreciation of being a part of this community. I truly hope that when they tear down these buildings, some of it could be saved to remind us of our shared bond. Just before I left Tanjung Malim, after my Zohor prayers, I said a personal prayer that God will protect us all, guide us in the paths that we have chose for ourselves and to give thanks for the opportunity to be together for the occasion.In retrospect, time did stand still for us in Tanjung Malim. We were together again as a family reliving the times we had together. We ate our meals together, played in the same field together and slept (those who did get some sleep) under the same roof together again like we did so many years ago. Time to us was ours to control. To bind and command as we pleased. When one of the "boys" (we are all boys to me now no matter who old we actually are) suggested to me that I should write about how time seemed to stand still in Tanjung Malim, I first thought that it was how the town physically remain the same (more or less) after the many years. But as I'm writing this,
that statement continued to haunt my mind and evolved into the theme that inspired this piece that you are reading now. Time stood still for us because we remembered the other times we had. It stopped for us because we shared the many stories that linked us together as a community. Those who went to Tanjung Malim were the ones who actually halted time, even for a short time, by the act of being together. May we all have more chances to do the same in the future. Thank you for letting me share in the experience. I will cherish it always for now I have another collection of stories to enrich the experience of life.Dedicated to all the participant of SDARA Tanjung Malim Gathering 1999.
Showers of Memory:Part One.It was hot Saturday afternoon 17th April,1999 and also the First Muharam,1420.After registeration at the Dewan Ab.Rahman Talib at SDAR Tg Malim,a few of us went to room 5 Rumah Temenggong,our 'hotel' for the gathering.The room and the surrounding never changed and according to Sli(Dr Rusli Ismail),time stands still in Tg Malim-certain things never change;just like they were some 30 years ago....
However,all of us who were attending this gathering of SDARIANS to revisit our alma mater for the last time have changed a lot,especially around the top(hairs) and the middle (stomach) ;-.We were here to see for the last time our school and dormitories where we spent between 4 to6 of our formative years of our life.The school buildings will be demolished by year end to give away to new developments for UPSI.I do
hope the authority will retain at least one building to remind us that there was SDAR here before.Just a hope and pray....................The sound was deafening when you put ten old friends in a room!Everyone was talking.I think the room was getting a big cultural shock listening to all our stories.When Sli opened up his shirt,I saw a "zip" on his chest-that is another story.He got a heart by-pass and it cost him almost RM50,000!After listening to exchange of jokes between Sli and Tokwan(a continuation from our mailinglist),it was time for me to take a bath.In fact,we were all sweating after visiting the school classrooms,the water tank,the sick bay,the empty swiming pool (full of rubbish) and of course the famous kubu Jepun by the Sg Bernam.I wish Rahman Meran was here so that he can nasi lemak by the river.Sg Bernam pun mengalir lesu-sedih kerana budak SDAR sudah tidak lagi bermandi manda.Suasannnya sepi tanpa gelak ketawa kami yang pernah mandi dan bermain disini:-((((.
When I was having the showers,there was a gust of memories rushing in.Somehow the showers behaved just like they used to when I was here in 1965-more than three decades ago.During the first week at SDAR,early january,1965 I had my first cry while having a shower at Rumah Bendahara.I was in Room 6 at that time.It was not because someone ragged me;it was because I felt so sad leaving my parents and a brother and a sister at my kampung.Here at SDAR,I ws having all the luxuries of life-a nice room
with electricity,showers and wc,sleeping on Dunlopillo mattress etc.When I was at home at Kampung Beris,Bachok,Kelantan Idid not have all that,not anything near that.Now,my kids are taking my "luxuries" for granted.How lucky are they all.The first thing I did was to walk along the corridors from Rumab Temenggong,passing through the Dining Hall and straight to Rumah Bendahara.For those who didnot come for this gathering,our dining hall has been converted to a lecture hall with a/c.Coming to Rumah Bendahara brought back more memory to me.The juicy story of our house warden,the reading room,the restrooms and my very own room.
Slowly,I entered Room 6,Rumah Bendahara.....went to where my bed was and sat for almost 10 minutes alone.It is as it was when I left.Then I started identifiying whose bed belongs to whom.....one of them has recently passed away.
-the rest will be posted later.
(All comments are welcome...)
Part 11Sadly,I could only remember about half of them.One of them is Mustapha Zakaria,who we called Stopa.He is now a graduate teacher.He was always being bullied by a senior Ibrahim Yaakub and I really hated him for what he did to my
classmate Stopa.But what could I do,a remove class boy at the time.Others in my room that I could recall are,Arffin, Hashim Selamat (electronic gang with Mohd Redza,Rani etc),Rashid Mohd,now TNB engineer,Aziz Mustapha,a stock broker who used to make money for me,and last but not least Allahyarham Ramli Abdullah who passed away two years ago due to heart problem.One incident that I still remember until to-day was when Rashid got a few durians from his parent.This King of Fruits is not easy to hide.The whole room 'knows' about its
presence,but we did not who had them in their locker.That night after light out,Rashid did his good deed distributed one ulas of durian each to everyone.Next day,no one
complained about the smell of durian anymore.In SDAR,most of shared our goodies,but I knew there were a few who ate alone.Every time I met YB Dato' Mohd. Ghazali Ab.Rahman in Terengganu,I never failed to laugh.When he was just M Ghazali A.R in room 5 Rumah Bendahara in 1965,I used to be his coolie.My job was to carry his soap by his side while he walked naked along the corridor to the toilet.His towel was on his shoulders:-))))Another colourful character was Bonget.I do not know his real name until to-day.....
Entering the Dewan Rahman Talib reminded me the days of Monday's school assembly,the wayang time on Saturday's night and the Talent Time we usually had them here.This reminds me also of Punawan Sarbini -the drummer of SDAR's very own band called The Flanders.My favourite singer at that time was abdullah Sani,now the registrar of UPM. Looking up,I did notice the missing plaques and pictures.All of them are now in Seremban.It is only now a building with memories in our minds and in our hearts.
During the introduction of fellow sdara according to each batch,I chose to sit near one of them.I think his name is Ezrul.He is now a retired teacher.One interesting thing
about this group is that even though they were of the same batch(1957),their age are not the same.Their ages depended primary on when their parent registered their birth and not on their actual birthdays! One of them that never failed to attend any SDARA function is Musa Ahmad,who is 63 years old.However,he looks like 55 years old.We all must go and see him and dig some 'ilmu' on how to stay young.According to him,his youngest child is a 9-year boy!According to the HRH the Sultan of Pahang(as told
to me by his friend) that a man age is measured by how old is his youngest child.By that measure,I am older than Musa and HRH.Now,I have to look for Anuar(aka Yak) in Indonesia and Charlie at Mardi,our experts in traditional medicines or alternative medicine or whatever you wish to call it as long it will keep me younger than my age;-))
At the end of the introduction,we had a group photo.One special photographer is Pak Aris,who is quite a character.He cried when a friend of mine gave him a RM50 note as a payment to 20 photo prints that he stole when he was at SDAR at that time.He wanted the photos like everyone of us,but he was too poor to afford them.Now is paying time.He told me he was very happy to see Pak Aris alive.At night,we had a tahlil for our fellow sdara who have passed away earlier than us.May Allah swt blessed their souls.
Next the final part:
Part 111
Part 111I had always wanted to revisit SDAR again after leaving SDAR in 1968,but it never happened.However,at last I did it after postphoning it for more 30 years!It was 6:30am on Saturday morning 17/4/99 when I arrived at the KL Railway Station to board the train to TG Malim.That very morning,I woke up at 4:00 am!(Nak tidur pun duk teringat kat TM).I was so eager to go back to Tg Malim like the first time.While waiting for
the other 'lunatics' who decided to revisit TG Malim by train,I roamed the railway station just like I did when I first arrived by train from Palekbang to Tg Malim some time in January, 1965.That time ,I was only 12 years and 3 months old.That was also the first time I stepped my feet in KL."Macam rusa masuk kampung".Everything was new and foreign to me.At that time,our Masjid Negara was just completed.I
was at loss where to go.So I just followed my seniors to eat at a restaurant at Jalan Melayu,near Wisma Yakin.Time really flies-more than 33 has gone by.This time I was trying to locate the exact place where I first landed in KL.I tried hard searching in my memory,but it was not
there.According to my son,I have a few bad sectors on my hard-disk?I believe it is there,but I could not find it.The age is catching up with me....I am no more the young budak SDAR,I am now an old budak SDAR and a father to one of them!By 7:00am,every 'lunatic' has arrived.They were Sli,Bond,Nan and me.Another nostalgic sdara also joined us,however he travelled by second class.The four of us were
in 3rd class!Just like before but it is now air-conditioned.If not someone will try to enter by the window as normally did.;-)))The train to Tg Malim was at platform 4.By 7:25am we boarded the train and looked for our seats.To our lovely surprise,we met Dr Manaf,Haji Rahman and his son all the way from Kota Bharu.Their seats were next to ours.It was fated that way.And it was never planned,only Allah swt wanted us to be together again.Another joy ride again for me;just like the old days...
After arriving at Tg Malim railway station,we walked all the way to the school after a walk about the 'city' of Tg Malim.The panggung Rex is no more a cinema,it is a godown.We stopped by at the famous Razak restaurant for teh tarik and roti canai.A few photos were taken.I told Nan and Bond about what SDARIAN life in the old days were-watching movies,minum ice-kacang and loitering around the town during weekends. Sadly,the ice-kacang shop was gone,no where to be found.
After listening to everyone's stories,we all walked along the main street.It was literally walking along memory lanes.It really reminded me about the old days- Restaurant
Kassim and Ghani are still in tact,but Kedai Panjang,Pak Buyung and the Indian Bookstore where I used to buy Beano and Dandy were not there anymore.The old post office was gone and replaced by a new building.As we walked to school,we talked about the old days.By the time we arrived at the gate,it was closed.Now,UPSI has a grand new entrance near the padang.Someone suggested we should climb the gates!Luckily,no one tried,if not someone
is going to get hurt due to our body size has almost doubled in diameter around the middle.After waiting for a while,a jaga came and opened the gate for us.We did not go to the Dewan Rahman Talib to register ourselves but went straight to tour the school compound-the classrooms,the sickbay and the Sg Bernam.By the time we arrived near the water tank,Dr Manaf climbed the cat-ladder and all of us gathered below him for a photo session!We were kids again! Luckily,our children were not there to witness
what we were doing....Everyone remembers the sickbay-where most of us were isolated for measles one time or another during our life at SDAR Tg Malim.Alas,it was gone.The swimming pool was full of rubbish and the kubu Jepun was hidden by bushes.
To most of us,everything there has a history-even a brass wc at Rumah Bendahara;not to mention the water-tank at the top of it where a few of us went there to smoke.Some even ventured to crawl to watch the house warden having a nice time with his girlfriend.
How can we all forget...Tempat jatuh lagi dikenang,inikan pula tempat bermain(atau belajar).
HEARTS.....~mohd adib noh;forever budak sdar.
Well, I was the last of Tg Malim batch. Let me tell you my story......I couldnt sleep the night before. I was thinking about the golf game and also
thinking about who will I meet in TM?
I was the few who arrived early in Bt.Beruntung Golf Club that saturday morning.
Alas I was in the golf committee but I only turned up one time for the meeting.
The reason being most of the meeting was held at night. And I was away for
awhile in Spore and all that.
The golf tournament went well. I played reasonably well. Managed to get handicap
23 and playing 3 over my handicap. My partner was Sdr Azman Zain (fiver 75) and
he played extremely well. Bro Zainuddin (kangkong) was on the same flight
together with Kol(R) Razak, a much my senior in SDAR. We had fun.
It was a good turnout for golf, 34 people participated. Sdr Razak Yusuf emerged
as Champ with handicap 13 playing 2 under. I managed to get number 22 so I got
the remote headphone but managed to convince Malik Idrus to exchange with his
prize of Hot water Airpot which is useful for my wife.
After the golf, I droved to Tg.Malim. It took me about 30 minutes to reach Tg
Malim town. Passing through the sleepy town, I saw the same old town with the
Majestic panggung wayang still there and Restoran Kassim still the same old
restaurant. I went passed the railway track and wanted to go via Jalan Maktab. I
remember this is the road for us to go to town, last time. There's no more mamak
stall selling cendol, instead there's a restaurant nearby. The Jalan Maktab is
closed, I could not pass thru to SDAR. Reversing to the main road, I saw another
sdara, Mohd. Mat Ali also followed thesame road. I guess he had the same thought
like me. Anyway, I told him we have to go to UPSI to get to SDAR.
Upon arrival at the Dewan SDAR, I saw afew familiar faces, ie Ramdan, Domang,
Fauzi Ramli. Well they are from the same batch, one year my senior. I met Bond
and registered myself. Then came Ahmad Azmi Bidawi, we used to work together
when I was with IBM many years ago. So Azmi and I went round the school
compound. Azmi was amazed that I still remember the buildings, like sickbay,
Imagine I was in TM for only one year BUT it was very important moment of my
life. That was the first time I got out of Pulai Chondong, Kelantan. That was
also the first time for me meeting people from other states. I had to learn to
eat using fork and spoon. I remember Cikgu Hamid corrected the way I hold the
fork and spoon, well I was a real kampong boy, didnt know the table manners and
So we went round the blocks, it is still the same but somehow I find places like
dining hall and dewan besar are small compared to last time. Dining hall was
very large accomodating about 600 boys at one seating. Somehow it is smaller now
and I could not imagine I had my first taste of 'nasi kawah' in that room. I
have to admit, coming from kampong, the nasi kawah was good and the 'teh kosong'
was great, even though in Kelantan we dont do that way.After that I visited the Rumah Bendahara, next to dining hall. The canteen used
to be on the ground floor.I remember the pakcik canteen, used to be a good
violinist. He had a pretty wife or was it his daughter?. Well I was only 13
I was up on the top floor of Rumah Bendahara where I used to stay. I dont
remember the room number. I guess it was Room 3, on the left of toilet. I
reminded me of how I used to washed my cloth or how I learned to be independent.
I never told anyone about this before, I peed in my sleep on the 2 inches
dunlopillo mattress. It was havoc. The seniors in the room were Mohd.Shah
Ibrahim(he was at TM too and he still remembers me, I feel good) and Rashid
Salim. The room prefect was Yusuf Ali?, budak trengganu,he was the body builder
of sdar.
Well so much of my sad story.
Then I went back to Dewan Besar.I met Dr.Sli and Nawawi Hussein.The two egroup
top contributors. Nawi finally corrected me that he is the 'kucing' not NawiNor.
So I know many of you confused NawiHussein with NawiNor. I knew them all very
well. They were nice seniors from Kelantan who were very helpful to me. Anyway,
I was not jambu, so they must be honest when they helped me before.
It was good meeting seniors and now we are all the same, in term of 'perut' and
grey hair.
7 of us from my batch turned up. Radzi Ladzim, Komando, Johan, Ismail Mat Ali,
Hasnan, Isa Yeop and Amaran.
We were talking about the seniors who used to bully us. That includes Dr.Sli who
always asked us to sing whenever we passed his room in Rumah Temenggong. We have this guy Azizan (aka gajah) who had to sing the song 'Bang Selebu' wherever he
went. It was for the fun of it. I am sure Azizan would be laughing away talking
about this.I was very happy with the turnout and I wish, really wish to see more x-sdarians
supportive of this kind of event.
And I also realised a few of us are really willing to contribute, not just to be
there, for the sake of SDAR.My kudos to the organising committee and to those
who contributed in their own way.
I know one x-sdarian, Sdr Ramdan Yusof, who always like to contribute for the
sake of SDAR. His SDAR spirit always burning in him.
And well done to Sdr. Zainuddin for being the MC.I had to skip the night event because of my family commitment.
Ruslan Rahman aka Sle
Form Remove Yellow 1971
SDAR Tg.Malim
As for rasa difference in locality tu, I'm glad that you picked that up and questioned it. Bila saya tanya pada budak budak batch saya siapa yang nak gi ke TM dulu, rata-rata (walaupun dah ramai yang membulat) kata kat sana tak terasa macam kat S'ban. Kebanyakkannya orang-orang tua saja (pardon to bring this up but this was what they
said). I wanted to prove to them, through the story, that that is not the case. Sampai bila-bila kita jadi budak SDAR. Tak kiralah dari TM atau S'bn. Tak kiralah sama ada baru keluar atau dah berpuluh-puluh tahun meninggalkan SDAR. Budak SDAR terus jadi budak SDAR.
Congratulations kerana dapat menangkap side plot tu.I agree with Nan on this. Sepanjang saya belajar kat SDAR hanya seorang sahaja yang saya jumpa kat TM reunion (bro Bond). Most of the people that I've met and ajak pegi TM, they said they cannot go due to prior engagement (yang bersopan) dan yang lain just simply said that we did not study there so why should we go.
For me Tanjung Malim and Seremban are both SDAR and we are budak SDAR.
We should know the history of our school. One of the pioneer in SDAR said they first study in JB and for me I would to visit this place also just where SDAR was first born so that I know the real history of SDAR.Gazali 84