Rugby Premier Cup Final 1999
Venue: Padang MPI
Date: 9th. October 1999
Result: SDAR lost in sudden death 5 - 8

Some words from our member

From: "Radzran" <>

ASM sdaras,

 Radzran a.wk.a Mr.Domang will be travelling to Ipoh with the  whole family, leaving Muar around 7:00 am. dah booking 2 bilik kat Sri Malaysia.


From: ahmad omar <>
 I still remember the 76 semi-final against High School Melaka played at padang   pahlawan. It was a very tense game. I was asked to warm-up from the very begining of the game i could not even look at the play. Mr. Roul will yell at me if I stop warming up. Eventually we won the game 9-0 I think and I don't know what happened. I did not play and did not watch game.  Well, 77 was different then....
 So, SDARAs, better organised supporters group..
 Ahmad Jaafar is my name,
 Rugby is the game.

From: Zainudin Mohd <>

 sdara yg. ingin bermalam pd.8/9 @9/9 bolihla buat booking kat Hotel Sri Malaysia, package RM 65/nett.sila hubungi cik sheila 05-2412936 beritahu
 rombongan SDARA. saya dan dr. rasid malik sampai besok jumaaat 6000ptg.makan bersama sdarian( rugby team )digerai pak buyong..ada tak kat Ipoh..ikut matali toyenn bawa laa. malam kita bagi sikit ubat enrich laa bagi esok melutop..sdar .
 sdara yg.menhadiri majlis makanmalam 9/10.ialah spt.
    sdr.nik amin.
    sdr.hafiz nuruddin.
    sdr.ibrahim mohidden.

 harap yg.lain buat tempahan..segera.


Wherever We Go - 2X
 People want to know - 2X
 Who we are - 2X
 Where we come from - 2X
 So we tell them - 2X
 We are the Sdarians - 2X
 Mighty, mighty Sdarians - 2X
 Rough, tough Sdarians - 10X

 Good luck to all the supporters.


From: "A. Rahman Omar" <>

After dominating the game and even at 5-5 during regular time SDAR had a penalty to clich the title but we missed. An offside during scrimmage gave KSAH a chance for penalty and they converted. Game ended.


 It was a real anti-climax!And again to lose in sudden death.... Next year,we must get the Cup back to SDAR. Over to you Old Lions...

From: Ghazali Mohamed Fadzil <>

Maybe you have heard it still with a tone of sadness and tears in my eyes I would like to say it again we have lost the Premier Cup. A bit dramatic is it? The fact is I would
 be lying if I say it does not matter or it is ok. No matter what I do I am a frustrated and a sad person now. The memory just keep coming back and all the ‘ifs’ keep running in my mind. What if we have scored the last minute penalty, what if the second try was valid, what if this and what if that. I know this going to be on my mind at least for a week. That is why now I am not a diehard fan of any team anymore – football team especially. I simply could not take defeat easily. But, we are talking about SDAR now and I do not need any reason to why I should be a diehard fan. I would even, if necessary, go to the extent of forcing my sons to support SDAR even if they will not be going to SDAR. That’s how fanatic I could be as far as SDAR is concern. But of course I could be reasonable as well.

 We lost the game 5 – 8. It was an unconverted try against unconverted try plus a  penalty. The forwards fought the first half of the game. That was their strength since the
 are a bit heavy they rely on their forward play most of the time. Our forwards knew these and magnificently soaked the pressure. During the first half our backline was not that effective and making mistakes sometimes. Our tactic was to gain ground as their forward line was making mistakes one after the other. The sad things we could not capitalised on them. The penalties went unconverted. The first half ended with the score 0-0.

 The second half started with a bang for us after a run of forward play they scored a try and the kicker misplaced the conversion. That certainly woke us up and we started to run the backline lead by Samba the captain. The attack became a bit fluid and we were pinning them in their half most of the time. During one swift attack on the right we scored a try but was disallowed. Not giving up the boys sent another backline attack and to the joy of SDARians on the field we scored a try on the left corner. Unlucky for us the conversion went wild. We continuously piled on attacks after attacks and was awarded a penalty in the dying minutes. The ground was silent and a lot of us were praying inside when the kick was taken our eyes followed the flight of the ball and saw the ball missed the outside post just by a foot. Immediately we heard a lot of SHIT! NO!! being shouted. When the final whistle was blown the score was tied at five a
 piece and a 15 minutes sudden death has to be played. Off the kickoff they sent the ball into our half and we committed a penalty. They decided to kick the penalty. I was
 standing near the kicker, by virtue of being the unofficial photographer, and was very sure he was going to miss it as he had missed several miserably. But to the misery of
 SDARians the kick was perfectly drilled down the middle and we collapsed to the grown. The game was over, the cup was taken away from us and some of the players were openly crying.

 Not taking anything from the players my hat off to the players they played well and played like true SDARians would played not giving up to the last minutes. To the players take it from me, I have been in the same position before and I know for a fact how it feel to have lost the final. On behalf of SDARA I would like to thank you all for the great season and I am very sure we are going to come back next year. To those who are going to leave SDAR after the SPM we are going to make a SDAROBA team ready for you to play for. Goooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Now it is a time for me to find excuses. Yes I do need them to ease some of the pains. Maybe some of you could help me out here….

 1. We played against a team comprises of mostly form sixers where as our team comprises of form five and four students.
 2. We controlled the game through out but luck was not on our side
 3. According to the coach the team was not playing like usual. The kicker would have sinked all of the penalties with ease from all angles. He did that sort of things before.
 4. No matter what we are still great
 5. Had we won something bad might have happened to some of us while celebrating
 6. ….The best part about this final is the gathering of SDARAs in Ipoh. There even some that I have not seen for so many years. Even the SDARAs in Ipoh were also amazed to discover that there are indeed a lot of SDARAs in Ipoh. Hasmadi drove
 up from Melaka, Bro Domang as promised showed up with the family from Muar, Nazrol took a bus from Melaka, Tajuddin Masood, Jai and family, Darussalam and family, Bro Ramdan Yusof and family, Halim Ismail, Nadim. Bro Abd. rahman Komputer and many more that I can’t possibly name them all. Thank you for being there. I personally met Roslin Yusof and Muhammad Ishak Muhammad aka Maun.

 After the game as planned there was a dinner at Hotel Seri Malaysia and the turn up by SDARAs was more then expected. With most decided to depart shortly after the game we were expecting a lot less but the spirit was intact. We booked a dinner for 70 and 83 showed up. If not for my kids I would have stayed talking to the guys till morning. Maybe next time… The whole thing to me again proved the point that
 SDARA really need to go regional. Regional not only in term of committee but activities.

 On behalf of the SDARA Committee Members I would like to thank all for making this possible. Especially to YB Hasni and SDARAs in Ipoh. Special mention and thank to Bro Ramdan who is kind enough to donate to the SDAR Team Members a set
 each of Umbro Track Suit even when we lost the final.

 Thanks you

 Bond ’78 –Once A SDARian Always A SDARian

From: Hasmadi bin Abd. Majid

That night after dinner kat Seri Malaysia, we had our own teh tarik dekat gerai Stesyen
Keretapi. Roslin(77), Maun(77), Jailani(77), Ahmad Jafar (76), Alang(76), Domang(76), Nandang(90) and myself(80) until 12.00p.m.
After that myself and Nandang sambung tengok New Zealand VS England kat Seri
Malaysia. Tidur pukul 3.00 pagi.

During the game I met Tajudin Masood(78), Nordin-ND(79), Maun(77) and Roslin(77) for the first time after left SDAR.

The Web Site of this Premier Cup99 is still under construction. Check it out.



Pada pendapat aku yang tidak pergi menonton Final Premiere School Rugby, Sdar telahpun berjaya sampai ke final. Kalah dan menang adalah adat pertandingan. Kita mesti terima kekalahan ini sebagai satu cabaran . Kita mesti berusaha untuk membawa balik piala ni ke SDAR tahun depan dan tahun-tahun seterusnya!Kalah bukan bererti pasukan kita tidak baik. Pasukan kita baik dan handal . Cuma salah satu pasukan yang bertarung mesti menang.

 Terima kasih kepada S/U SDARA kerana telefon. Aku tak dapat pergi sebab sepupu aku nikah.Tidak dapat dielakkan .

 Walaubagaimanapun, Setinggi tahniah kepada SDAR Rugby Team dan kepada  penyokong-penyokong SDARA yang ke Ipoh.

 012 6188192

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