Jamuan Hari Raya
Date: 30th. January 1999
                                                     Time: 2.00p.m. - 6.00p.m.
                                 Venue: Y.B.Dato Salamon Resident (Shah Alam)

YB.Dato Salamon, our president

this one...aaar..r..r..tak kan tak kenal?

another one....tak kenal tak patut...

Malek Idus(Sixer '76), our cheer leader. Dia punya story..during those days...went to register at SDAR by himself, not along with his parent. (form 4 second intake) Petang tu bila tengok senior main basketball kena panggil. "Apa pandang-pandang!!?" Everything he done is wrong. 

Ahmad Jaffar (Sixer '78) satu van datang dengan askar-askarnya.
Karaoke time...'bila..a..a..larut malam....'
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