Cyber Cafe Meeting
Wednesday, 13 Januari 1999
 Core Engineering Product Berhad (CEPCO)
 Level 2, Blok C Center,
 Pusat Bandar Damansara,
 Damansara Heights, KL.

Noorazmi Abdul-Aziz wrote:

This is to announce the new date for the SDARA cybercafe project. The originally proposed 6th Jan meeting has been postponed the 13th (next week).

Meeting Date: Wednesday, 13 Januari 1999
Time: 2:30-5:30pm
 Core Engineering Product Berhad (CEPCO)
 Level 2, Blok C Center,
 Pusat Bandar Damansara,
 Damansara Heights, KL.
 Tel: 2552066

The time change is to allow more time for us to create draft business and technical proposals for the cybercafe. Those who are interested to attend please confirm with AbeDib at

Suggestions and contributions to the cybercafe setup is highly appreciated.

Noorazmi Abdul-Aziz

Mohd Adib Noh wrote:

Dear Sdara,

Alhamdulilah,we managed to hold our first official meeting to-day.About
12 people attended the meeting.In principle,those who attended agreed to
the proposed business venture.May I record my thanks to those who have
attended.I know there a few more who wished they could attend,but were
not able due to the timing and location of the meeting.You are welcome
to the next meeting.

The next meeting to finalise the details will be held just before
Chinese New Year.Tentatively,we have set 31st August,1999 as the D-Day
for the realisation of our first Cybercafe.

The detailed report of the meeting will be posted by Sdara Nor Azmi

Tak lama lagi kita akan merayakan Aidil Fitri.Saya mengucapkan SELAMAT
HARI RAYA kepada sdara semua.Mohon Maaf Zahir dan Batin.



Noorazmi Abdul-Aziz wrote:

Dear all,

The first cybercafe business meeting was held yesterday at CEPCO's boardroom. The attendees were Anuar, Arif, Rahim, Azmi, Rozzani, Sle, Amiruddin, Ghazali (Bond), Gazali Rahman, Fatah and Adib.

We agreed that this venture into cybercafe business is a way for us SDARA:
- to learn about business
- to own something that belongs to SDARA
- to be used as a platform to kick off other business venture

We have setup a three comittees to take care of the Marketing and Operations, Technical, and Business & Finance issues of the cybercafe.

Marketing & Operations
- Annuar, Arif, Rahim, Gazali and Syamsul*

- Sle (Leader), Amiruddin, Rozzani, Azmi and Hasmadi*.

- Ghazali, Fatah and Adib.

*Syamsul(Buyung) and Hasmadi were not at the meeting but were proposed to join the committee. Others who would like to join the committee can still do so anytime by contacting Abedib.

The committees will be doing some research and will present their plans for our next meeting (tentatively set on the week of 10 February). We have also decided on the opening date of SDARA Cybercafe which falls on 31st August 1999.

Akhir kata, selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri.  Bila balik kampung tu, kalau gian nak baca email dari sdara@egroups, sila pergi ke cybercafe terdekat dan kunjungi laman

maaf zahir batin,

Noorazmi Abdul-Aziz

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